Friday, July 27, 2012

Drunk Texting

    Everyone has been guilty of the drunk text at some point. With your inhibitions lowered, texting that hot guy in your history class to tell him, "I want yu and your sexyyyy lipsds ;)", sounds like an excellent idea. However, panic will surely ensue when you wake up thoroughly hungover and remember that ballsy move you made the night before. For a lot of people, drinking is somewhat like moonlighting at a sex hotline. Every text sent is rated xxx and then is completely regretted the next day. 
     Then there are the drunk texters who have one shot of Smirnoff Rasberry and can't type one word correctly. For this I mainly blame autocorrect. Stupid Iphones just haven't been updated enough to understand sloppy drunk fingers.
     I am personally not a terrible drunk texter, however, I am caught fully red handed on drunk dialing. I honestly think that this is much worse. When you send an embarrassing text or wake up with that awful gut feeling that you sent a shameful message the night before, you can check your phone to see exactly what you said. With a drunk dial, however, all you get is the call log. 17 outgoing calls to the guy you're obsessed with and at one point you talked for 23 minutes about God knows what. You have no idea how many times I've woken up and had an overwhelming feeling that I spilled, or slurred, my guts to a guy. 
     I don't have any good examples of embarrassing drunk sexts, however here are a few examples of just how shitty my friends can be at typing while intoxicated.
I meant to send this to my friend, Lucy, and ended up texting a guy I did a project with in one of my classes...

My friend texting an Australian guy from a bar.

Pine needle.

Trying to convince our friend not to take a nap in between day partying and night partying.

Good typers.

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